Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hello all,welcome to our new link where we hope to help you enjoy the great biodiversity around us.Knowing whats around us helps us to keep track of changes that may be slowly eroding the natural biodiverity of our environment over time.We would like to have reports of what you see,where it was seen ,when and on what it was feeding  if you can.If you don"t know or are unsure of an identity send us a photo and or description and we will try to help identify it.
Below is an example of what we will try to do,

2028 Pale Tussock Calliteara pudibunda

This photo  was sent in by S. Maher who found this caterpillar in Ballycahill last week,we have identified it as a Pale Tussock moth larva .
Adult moths fly in May - June and like the larva are quite hairy,the larva feed on deciduous trees and shrubs and were a serious pest of hops when they were grown commercially.
It is only locally common in Ireland and hasn"t been officially recorded in Tipperary since the mid 90s according to moths Ireland.

                                                                          Tipperary Biodiversity.